December 23, 2011

colours your holiday :)

hey hey you you ^^
bytheway dah akhir bulan december kan , korg sure cuti krismas , yg skola sure cuti skolah kan ? dh pergi bercutii ? heee alolo dh nk habis dh cuti ni ! ><
bubu quite busy jugak time cuti akhir tahun tahun ni , mcm mcm kene buat . wedding abg angkat lah kat kelantan , dgn pergi sana sini , haritu ada pergi cameron , pastu kes nawwar ehem ehem . ok tanak ckp dh . aha dgn my parents pun lepastu ade keje asyik out station je . huhu serabut otak jugak lah kan haha . i said to my dad , " We shall find peace. We shall hear angels. We shall see the sky sparkling with diamonds" dlm otak terbayang bayang duk tepi pantai , bersantai pergh mmg aman damai :D <33 ok dah . *OVERberangan*

bytheway,esok :D we are going to release our tension and stress on work at jakarta & bandung :) yeay

at last jauh kejap dr kesibukan kuala lumpur yg riuh rendah ni hihi <3
btw , okay bubu ingat jakarta tak sibuk ? haha ok sibuk . tp atleast luar malaysia la kejap >< huahuahau .
eh anda semua tolong doakan sy selamat smpai sana and selamat pulang yaa ^^
hee nah kasi view sikit indonesia nihaa..

generally indonesia ni lebih kurang malaysia jugak snanye huhu ^^

so camne dgn cuti korg tahun ni? tak kemana ? merata dunia ? merata malaysia ? huhu apa apa pun , tak kisah dimana jua ^^ im wishing all of you amazing brightness, purity and truth, eternal joy and everlasting love in this holiday , and happy holidays guys! i love you all -

lets everybody says that "Yesterday is history tomorrow is mystery… today is a gift!"
kbai, muahhh :*


mari lah bg opinion :)